Enjoy these photo highlights from Sandy’s solo show “Being” held at Alley Gallery in Sonoma.
Mixed media art installation “Being Selfies” by Sandy Young. Vintage film cartridges, antique porcelain figures, photography.
Opening Night Reception
“I Can Fly” by Sandy Young
“Point of View” by Sandy Young. Mixed media with kiln-formed glass, wire, antique porcelain figures, tacks on Birch panel. 30 x 30 x 3
“Time Being”, mixed media art by Sandy Young
Viewing dimensional mixed media art by Sandy Young. “Being Light” Art Installation (right).
Artist Sandy Young discussing “Being Selfies” installation with patrons.
“Dance in my Being” by Sandy Young. Mixed media, kiln-formed glass, antique porcelain figure, wire, encaustic. 10 x 10 x 2
“Measuring Spoon” by Sandy Young. Mixed media with antique porcelain figures, vintage watch–part vials, antique spoon on Birch Panel. 30 x 30 x 3. Text in the piece reads: “You can’t tell a person’s worth by what fits into a measuring spoon.”
“Holding it Together” by Sandy Young. Mixed media with antique porcelain figures, antique frame, wire. 20.5 x 26.5 x 2
Detail of Art “Holding it Together” by Sandy Young
“Aspirations” by Sandy Young. Mixed media with antique porcelain figures. 20 x 20 x 5
“Three Ways” by Sandy Young. Mixed media with antique porcelain figures. 11.5 x 8 x 3
“Same Difference”. Mixed media art by Sandy Young with kiln-formed glass, altered antique porcelain figures, wire. 14 x 14 x 3
“Echoes of Time” by Sandy Young. Mixed media with kiln-formed glass, skeleton key, antique porcelain figures, clock parts on vintage shutter. 20.5 x 12 x 3